Monday, January 31, 2011

turns out i have a social life...

guess there is a fine line between binge drinking and blogging and i have yet to find it. nonetheless, it has been a while since my last post and i have been busy celebrating, creating, icing, taste testing, and rehydrating. so for my two followers out there this one's for you.

i have recently come up with a one in a million idea and decided that i want a cupcake store. i figure if i get a few really great recipes nailed i'll have the market cornered. i saw this recipe for champagne cupcakes and thought to myself that this would be a no brainer...turned out to be a huge FAIL. how i managed to mess up two of my favorite passtimes i'll never know, but at least the recipe only called for 3/4 of a cup of champagne so i was able to drink my "sorrows" away.
Recipe to follow (once perfected)